Angel's Herald: Go Green this Oct 15! Blog Action Day!

Go Green this Oct 15! Blog Action Day!

Today is the Blog Action Day! Today bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone’s mind - the environment. Every blogger will post about the environment in their own way and relating to their own topic. Our aim is to get everyone talking towards a better future. Time Magazine previously named The Bloggers as the most powerful man on earth, imagine how these messages can be passed if this community will blog about an Environment-related topic today!

I encourage you to blog something about the environment! Or you can syndicate/copy this blog!

Environmental awareness scopes a wide range of concerns, even the things you might not suspect as something with direct connection to the environment, from legislation (say lobbying your concerns to the politicians/congressmen), self initiative (like simple day-to-day activities), ethical consumerism (being a practical on purchasing, being aware of sustainable consumption), to renewable energy. The list goes on, and it will be more difficult for you and for me to understand these clean-cut/professional terms. Here are some "pictionary" tips and descriptive trivia for you to practice and realize.

Use CFL lighting:

Use Reusable products as much as possible, or use recycled ones:

Don't pick flowers, shells, sands and other natural resources on tourists destinations:

And here are some reasons why we Filipinos should conserve our resources...

  • The Philippines is recognized as one of the 17 mega-diverse countries in the world, which hold about 70& of the world's total biodiversity in flora and fauna.
  • There are over 52,000 species in the country. Of these, 13,500 are plants comprising 5% of the world's total fauna.
  • While the country's overall biodiversity has been acknowledged globally, there is even higher regard for the endemism of local species or species unique to the Philippines and can be found nowhere else in the world. About 80% of amphibians, 68% of reptiles, 64% of mammal, 44% of birds and flowering plants are considered unique to the Philippines. (The species in the country, however, are also considered to be the most threatened in the world. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has identified the Philippines together with Madagascar, as being the "hottest of the hot-spots" or the most severely threatened mega-diverse countries.)
  • The Philippines' coastal zone extends to an area of about 11,000 sq. km. of land and 267,000 sq. km. of water.
  • Productivity of the coastal and marine ecosystems has been continuously threatened by over-fishing, destructive fishing methods and pollution, among others.
  • It is estimated that only 5% of the country's coral reefs are in excellent condition while mangroves have declined by as much as 57% in the last 23 years and sea-grasses losses have been estimated at 30-50% over the last 50 years.
  • It is projected that the volume of air pollutants, sulfur oxide (SO2), nitrogen oxide (NO2) will continue to increase due to greater industrial activity, heavy traffic and the large number of vehicles using the streets, many of which are smoke-belching public utility vehicles.
  • Solid waste generation in Metro Manila is estimated at 5,345 tons per day. This is expected to double by 2010. Only about 60-75% of total wastes generated in Metro Manila are collected and about 13% are recycled.
  • The 25-35% uncollected waste gets thrown anywhere, especially in esteros and creeks, resulting to health problems and flooding.

Go Green!
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