About to Check-In

Interior view just outisde my hotel room
door in San Francisco last year.
My hotel room's washroom
Neat, hi-tech and USD 350 (PHP 18,000) a night. Freak.
SAN FRANCISCO, California (AP) -- Hotel guests leave behind more than just socks and old paperbacks: A new study found viruses on TV remotes, light switches and even hotel pens after cold sufferers checked out.
The germ testing was done before the rooms were cleaned, so it probably overstates the risks that most travelers would face. Nevertheless, it shows the potential hazards if a hotel's turnaround amounts to little more than changing the sheets and wiping out the tub.
"You sure hope the cleaning people were good," said Dr. Owen Hendley, the University of Virginia pediatrician who presented results of the study Friday at a meeting of the American Society for Microbiology.
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My SUPER RETARDED Travel Kit in Sanfo last year.
Take note of that mentally-ILL blue robot triplets seen on my belly-hanging shirt, kit folder, notebook and competition itinerary. Retarded than hell. I even got a real moving robot, as in that robot you see on the prints. I'll take a picture soon and upload it here, since our freaking power is still not BACK UP YET, I AM ABOUT TO DETONATE A BOMB FOR MERALCo. SHIT.
I am so stupid, I don't have a picture of the actual room itself. I only got some stupid mirror shots of myself which is obviously something to refrain from posting here.
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