Red, Sober, Plain Bored
Posted by: Angelicum on Saturday, December 23, 2006
Why is Red so powerful? It's just different if a picture's major/main character is red. Aside from being the first color a human being discovers, Red also raised millions of USD$ in less than a day after Oprah and Bono campaigned the RED campaign for Africa. Imagine these powerful personalities collaborate with powerful technology hailstorms like iPod, or yet fashion empires like Gap, oh boy can we save Africa in one year or what?
And then, why is it that the Red guys always lead the Japanese-whatever color-groupie helmeted superheroes?

And speaking of out of the blue topics, a red-themed photography of mine which is out of the aligned border, a no no to photography.

And this one, what is this sticker doing here? I did a little search, it's a spa or surfing shop on a Spanish-speaking country, what is its business outside a Hong Kong shop? They don't have a branch in Hong Kong!

And an off-topic crap, I've noticed I'm always the only sober one, and the only plastic one if coke is not served.

I look really old there, but at least I eat. More recent pictures uploaded on my photos page under Misc.