Last year's Southbeach freaking Diet actually worked, but I just can't stand it then. So I lost like 30lbs but gained it back when I had my Caribbean and North American escapade last year, what do you expect from food-loving Asians like me? Traveling is the best thing in the world ever and food is one of the reasons. What do you expect from me if I was imprisoned on a beautiful resort and was allowed to eat UNLIMITEDLY, NO MATTER WHAT, EVERYTHING and just about anything. Boom, in five days, 20lbs.
Okay so here's a good ol' senti moment of my thin arms. The transition that is.

This is my 2nd day in Jamaica. 135lbs.

and after some sinful cheesecakes away...

...tada!..I know this is the lamest joke ever.

Well here's not a joke. 160lbs monster in Canada.My first week this week for the Southbeach. Good luck to me. Before image, please refer to that video below. I'll post an after result in a month and then when I'm about to leave for San Francisco on October 20.
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on Monday, August 28, 2006 at 1:11 AM.
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