Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Catfight: Princess Masako and Kiko

The news is going crazy about the Japanese succession crisis. This is my post 2-3 days ago. The baby from Kiko isn't born yet and it's 2:22 AM.

On many of the news clippings, it's been said that there is jealousy forming up for Kiko, 39, who has emphasized devotion to her family and her royal duties from Masako, a Harvard-educated former diplomat, had sought to use her professional skills as a sort of royal envoy.

It might really hurt if you're the wife of an Imperial first born successor but you can't produce a boy, thus your maldita sister-in-law have the say, it's another ego downfall seeing her take care of the next emperor. Not to mention, Masako has largely shunned her public duties for more than two years due to a mental illness caused by the stresses of royal life, including pressure to bear a male heir.. Ouch! Current Emperor Akihito is the only living emperor in the world today. It's also worth mentioning that CNN featured blogosphere commentaries about the issue:

Japanese people shouldn't consider these ladies to be like machines who should produce male heirs, how if it's the tenth child and it's stile a girl?

It's pretty disappointing that more than 200 parliamentarians disagreed for allowing woman throne successors, you can still see the gender barrier in this part of the modern world who accepted robots being part of the family but can't accept the fact that women can do what the men can.

All of these on the shoulders of a baby not even born yet. Crazy.

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